Commodities CFD
Commodities CFD trading at top conditions with Trive
Trade all major commodities, such as gold, silver, WTI and brent, at top conditions. These commodities can be traded both as continuous CFDs and as futures-based CFDs. Use leverage to trade both long and short. Choose from various trading platforms and trade via app, desktop or web based. Benefit from comprehensive trading tools, advanced chart analysis features, and low spreads for successful commodity trades.
Trade all major commodities
Gold, silver, WTI and brent
Best conditions for commodity trading
Low spreads, trade from as little as 0.1 lot
Long and short trading with leverage
Trade on rising and falling prices
The best platforms in the market
Trive Trader, MetaTrader 5, and Metatrader
Commodities CFD Spreads & Conditions
Min Spread, Pips
Swap Rates Long
Swap Rates Short
Lot Size
1 Lot = $100 x market price
BRENT Futures
1 Lot = $100 x market price
COOPER Futures
1 Lot = $100 x market price
1 Lot = $10 x market price
1 Lot = $100 x market price
1 Lot = $100 x market price
WTI Futures
1 Lot = $100 x market price
1 lot = $10000 x market price
1 Lot = $100 x market price
About Commodities CFD
Trading in commodities
Commodities are essential goods that are traded worldwide. The most important commodities include metals, precious metals, crude oil and many more. Trading commodities offers numerous opportunities to diversify your portfolio.
CFDs on commodities: Flexible trading
CFDs (Contracts for Difference) on commodities allow traders to trade price movements without owning the physical commodity. This offers flexibility and requires lower capital amounts compared to direct trading.
Trading with commodity CFDs
Commodity CFD trading at Trive has numerous advantages. Low spreads and the ability to trade on both rising and falling markets. With a wide range of commodities available, traders can optimize their strategies.
Diversify with commodity CFDs
Commodities can diversify a portfolio. They are usually traded in US dollars. Investors must be aware of the currency risks here.
The best commodity trading platforms
For commodities trading, trading platforms such as Trive Trader, MetaTrader 5 and MetaTrader 4 offer advanced tools and features. These platforms enable fast and efficient order execution as well as comprehensive chart analysis capabilities.
Popular commodities for traders: Gold, silver, WTI and brent
Gold, silver, WTI and brent are among the most popular commodities for traders. These markets offer high liquidity and numerous trading opportunities, from short-term speculation to long-term investments.
Precious metals and metals: A Safe haven for investors
Precious metals such as gold and silver are traditionally considered a safe haven. These commodities can offer protection against inflation and economic uncertainty.
Trade crude oil: WTI vs. Brent
WTI (West Texas Intermediate) and brent are two of the most important types of crude oil worldwide. WTI is mainly produced in the USA, particularly in Texas, Oklahoma and North Dakota. Brent comes from the North Sea, mainly from areas of the United Kingdom, Norway and Denmark. WTI serves as a benchmark for US oil prices and is traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). Brent is traded on the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) and is the global benchmark. WTI is mainly transported by pipeline, while brent is delivered worldwide by tanker. Historically, brent has often fetched higher prices than WTI, which can provide trading opportunities for arbitrage.
Trading Platforms
Trive Trader
Trive comes with a strong promise: to make global markets reachable through a customer-friendly and easy-to-navigate trading and investment experience.
MetaTrader 4
Access the MT4 trading platform with Trive from your mobile or desktop and take advantage to trade with us.
MetaTrader 5
The latest version of the most popular trading platform in the world: MT5 offers everything a full-fledged and flexible trader needs.